Monday, March 15, 2010

CGS... Why Men Make Sane Girls Crazy


We need them, whether we want to admit it or not. They are part of that whole pro-creation deal, and I guess that's reason enough to keep them around.

I have been fortunate in my life to be surrounded by beautiful, smart, self-driven, professional, sane women. I am proud to call these girls my best friends. My friends are a total catch to any man that would ever come their way.

Here's the issue.

New York City men usually don't live up to our standards. We don't want to be alone we try and try again with men, hoping one will be different and will prove us wrong. But one night, there's that one guy at this one bar who seems like he could be different. They get your hopes up, they text you every now and again. Then, you get attached. One day, he just stops calling. You find out later from a friend that he was seeing someone else, or that he just wasn't into you and didn't have the courage to tell you.

My friend R came up with an amazing term called CGS (Crazy Girl Syndrome). It's a mental disease that causes sane girls to go insane because of men.

The sad reality is that if you asked any woman in Manhattan if she had a boyfriend, they would probably have a story similar to the one I just described. She would say: "Oh I'm seeing someone.. I'm hoping it gets more serious but we'll see." What that woman fails to admit is that the "seeing" had been happening for 6 months...

Here is my message to all the men reading this: Just tell her you don't like her! We are tough NY chicks and we can handle it. We'd rather hear it from your mouth than to find out in other ways. I find it so hard to believe that a guy can say that he "likes" you and doesn't show it to you... It's dumb. Bottom line, he's just not that into you.

If there's anything a New York City girl should be proud of, it is this: We are hot, young, and have so much life ahead of us. Who needs a man anyway. ;-)

~L Squared

1 comment:

  1. Dating in our generation is confusing - I feel like our parents had it easy.

    A few thoughts on why boys in our generation don't tell women that they don't just like them:

    - He could be a chicken! Afraid the super independent woman they are dating will punch them or throw a shoe?! Or destroy their image?)
    - He may think that because we live in the "city that never sleeps", they can make excuses for being too busy or too tired all the time, and eventually drop off the face of the earth
    - He doesn't have a pair?

    In retrospect, it is actually really hard (even for women) to tell someone that you do not like them enough to want to be in or stay in a relationship. Buttt, I have taken down my buffer and done this before, so IAAB? NY millennial men, please take a cue from us ladies or grow some balls!
